Donate your SingapoRediscover Vouchers (SRV) for a good cause today!
For some of us who are still contemplating what to do with our SRV vouchers, there is now a fantastic way to spend them. Klook has partnered with social enterprise ItsRainingRaincoats (IRR) to allow the public to sponsor migrant workers with tickets to the Singapore Flyer in a fuss-free way.
According to a Straits Times report (The Sunday Times, 17 January 2020; link here and below), IRR did a survey with some migrant workers and found out that visiting the Singapore Flyer is at the top of their wishlist. This is in part due to the expensive ticket price and was something that they are very unlikely to be able to afford.
Noting that there are over 300,000 migrant workers in Singapore, it is a tall order to fulfil this simple dream of theirs. As of 16 January 2020, only about 1,400 tickets have been pledged to this initiative.

In this collaboration with Klook, Singaporeans are now able to directly donate their SRV to this initiative. Through this partnership, a much larger number of migrant workers should be able to visit the Singapore Flyer, and they will have a lifetime of memories to carry along with them. It is also somewhat fitting that they are able to see the city they and their compatriots painstakingly built over the decades.
Using the Klook platform, the instructions were simple, clear, and quick. I did it myself and it was done in less than 2 minutes. Each ticket costs S$35 on Klook and you can simply top up S$5 if you choose to donate the entire $100 for this cause. The best part is how you do not need to sponsor the entire S$100, but can donate just one ticket. This is perfect for those who might have already spent some of their SRV. If you require more information about this effort, be sure to check out the Straits Times report here:
Find out more information about social enterprise ItsRainingRaincoats here on their Facebook page and see the other ways you can support them!
Click the link below to directly head to Klook to support this initiative!
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